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We carefully analyse the present experimental evidence for a complex CKM matrix, even allowing for New Physics contributions to $epsilon_{K}$, $a_{J/Psi K_S}$, $Delta M_{B_{d}}$, $Delta M_{B_{s}}$, and the $Delta I=1/2$ piece of $Btorhorho$ and $Btorhopi$. We emphasize the crucial r^ ole played by the angle $gamma$ in both providing irrefutable evidence for a complex CKM matrix and placing constraints on the size of NP contributions. It is shown that even if one allows for New Physics a real CKM matrix is excluded at a 99.92% C.L., and the probability for the phase $gamma$ to be in the interval $[-170^circ;-10^circ]cup [10^circ;170^circ]$ is 99.7%.
An overview of the most important progresses in charm physics since the last CKM Workshop (2014) is presented. Due emphasis is given to the experimental measurements directly related to the CKM matrix.
We show that the supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model modifies the structure of the low lying BFKL discrete pomeron states (DPS) which give a sizable contribution to the gluon structure function in the HERA x and Q2 region. The comparison of the gluon density, determined within DPS with N=1 SUSY, with data favours a supersymmetry scale of the order of 10 TeV. The DPS method described here could open a new window to the physics beyond the Standard Model.
This letter summarises the status of the global fit of the CKM parameters within the Standard Model performed by the CKMfitter group. Special attention is paid to the inputs for the CKM angles $alpha$ and $gamma$ and the status of $B_stomumu$ and $B_dto mumu$ decays. We illustrate the current situation for other unitarity triangles. We also discuss the constraints on generic $Delta F=2$ New Physics. All results have been obtained with the CKMfitter analysis package, featuring the frequentist statistical approach and using Rfit to handle theoretical uncertainties.
We draw attention on the procedure, where Standard Model predictions and experimental results are compared and certain new physics scenarios are ruled out, that requires great attention, since there is still a room for new physics, especially when contributions of extended models bear complex phases. We observe that this is true even when SM and experiment yield the same results with zero uncertainties.
We combine all the available experimental information on Bs mixing, including the very recent tagged analyses of Bs to J/Psi phi by the CDF and D0 collaborations. We find that the phase of the Bs mixing amplitude deviates more than 3 sigma from the Standard Model prediction. While no single measurement has a 3 sigma significance yet, all the constraints show a remarkable agreement with the combined result. This is a first evidence of physics beyond the Standard Model. This result disfavours New Physics models with Minimal Flavour Violation with the same significance.