Study of the slepton non-universality at the CERN Large Hadron Collider

Abstract in English

In supersymmetric theory, the sfermion-fermion-gaugino interactions conserve the chirality of (s)fermions. The effect appears as the charge asymmetry in $m(jl)$ distributions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider where jets and leptons arise from the cascade decay $tilde{q} to q tilde{chi}^0_2 to qltilde{l}$. Furthermore, the decay branching ratios and the charge asymmetries in $m(jl)$ distributions are flavor non-universal due to the $tilde{l}_L$ and $tilde{l}_R$ mixing. When $tanbeta$ is large, the non-universality between $e$ and $mu$ becomes $O(10)%$ level. We perform a Monte Carlo simulation for some minimal supergravity benchmark points to demonstrate the detectability.
