Consistent Treatment of Soft and Hard Processes in Hadronic Interactions

Abstract in English

The QCD improved parton model is a very successful concept to treat processes in hadronic interactions, whenever large partonic transverse momenta are involved. However, cross sections diverge in the limit p_T -> 0, and the usual treatment is the definition of a lower cutoff p_T_min, such that processes with a smaller p_T -- so-called soft processes -- are simply ignored, which is certainly not correct for example at RHIC energies. A more consistent procedure amounts to introduce a technical parameter Q_0^2, referred to as soft virtuality scale, which is nothing but an artificial borderline between soft and hard physics. We will discuss such a formalism, which coincides with the improved parton model for high p_T processes and with the phenomenological treatment of soft scattering, when only small virtualities are involved. The most important aspect of our approach is that it allows to obtain a smooth transition between soft and hard scattering, and therefore no artificial dependence on a cutoff parameter should appear.
