Update on the physics of light pseudoscalar mesons

Abstract in English

We present an update of the MILC investigation of the properties of light pseudoscalar mesons using three flavors of improved staggered quarks. Results are presented for the $pi$ and $K$ leptonic decay constants, the CKM matrix element $V_{us}$, the up, down and strange quark masses, and the coefficients of the $O(p^4)$ chiral lagrangian. We have new data for lattice spacing $a approx 0.15$ fm with several values of the light quark mass down to one-tenth the strange quark mass, higher statistics for $a approx 0.09$ fm with the light quark mass equal to one-tenth the strange quark mass, and initial results for our smallest lattice spacing, $a approx 0.06$ fm with light quark mass two-fifths of the strange quark mass.
