A self-similar inhomogeneous dust cosmology

Abstract in English

A detailed study of an inhomogeneous dust cosmology contained in a $gamma$-law family of perfect-fluid metrics recently presented by Mars and Senovilla is performed. The metric is shown to be the most general orthogonally transitive, Abelian, $G_2$ on $S_2$ solution admitting an additional homothety such that the self-similar group $H_3$ is of Bianchi type VI and the fluid flow is tangent to its orbits. The analogous cases with Bianchi types I, II, III, V, VIII and IX are shown to be impossible thus making this metric privileged from a mathematical viewpoint. The differential equations determining the metric are partially integrated and the line-element is given up to a first order differential equation of Abel type of first kind and two quadratures. The solutions are qualitatively analyzed by investigating the corresponding autonomous dynamical system. The spacetime is regular everywhere except for the big bang and the metric is complete both into the future and in all spatial directions. The energy-density is positive, bounded from above at any instant of time and with an spatial profile (in the direction of inhomogeneity) which is oscillating with a rapidly decreasing amplitude. The generic asymptotic behaviour at spatial infinity is a homogeneous plane wave. Well-known dynamical system results indicate that this metric is very likely to describe the asymptotic behaviour in time of a much more general class of inhomogeneous $G_2$ dust cosmologies.
