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A non perturbative approach of the principal chiral model between two and four dimensions

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 Added by Dominique Mouhanna
 Publication date 1999
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We investigate the principal chiral model between two and four dimensions by means of a non perturbative Wilson-like renormalization group equation. We are thus able to follow the evolution of the effective coupling constants within this whole range of dimensions without having recourse to any kind of small parameter expansion. This allows us to identify its three dimensional critical physics and to solve the long-standing discrepancy between the different perturbative approaches that characterizes the class of models to which the principal chiral model belongs.

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We show that the critical behaviour of two- and three-dimensional frustrated magnets cannot reliably be described from the known five- and six-loops perturbative renormalization group results. Our conclusions are based on a careful re-analysis of the resummed perturbative series obtained within the zero momentum massive scheme. In three dimensions, the critical exponents for XY and Heisenberg spins display strong dependences on the parameters of the resummation procedure and on the loop order. This behaviour strongly suggests that the fixed points found are in fact spurious. In two dimensions, we find, as in the O(N) case, that there is apparent convergence of the critical exponents but towards erroneous values. As a consequence, the interesting question of the description of the crossover/transition induced by Z2 topological defects in two-dimensional frustrated Heisenberg spins remains open.
158 - Jose A. Oller , Luis Roca 2006
We perform a non-perturbative chiral study of the masses of the lightest pseudoscalar mesons. In the calculation of the self-energies we employ the S-wave meson-meson amplitudes taken from Unitary Chiral Perturbation Theory (UCHPT) that include the lightest nonet of scalar resonances. Values for the bare masses of pions and kaons are obtained, as well as an estimate of the mass of the eta_8. The former are found to dominate the physical pseudoscalar masses. We then match to the self-energies from Chiral Perturbation Theory (CHPT) to O(p^4), and a robust relation between several O(p^4) CHPT counterterms is obtained. We also resum higher orders from our calculated self-energies. By taking into account values determined from previous chiral phenomenological studies of m_s/hat{m} and 3L_7+L^r_8, we determine a tighter region of favoured values for the O(p^4) CHPT counterterms 2L^r_6-L^r_4 and 2L^r_8-L^r_5. This determination perfectly overlaps with the recent determinations to O(p^6) in CHPT. We warn about a likely reduction in the value of m_s/hat{m} by higher loop diagrams and that this is not systematically accounted for by present lattice extrapolations. We also provide a favoured interval of values for m_s/hat{m} and 3L_7+L^r_8.
303 - N. Dupuis , K. Sengupta 2008
The non-perturbative renormalization-group approach is extended to lattice models, considering as an example a $phi^4$ theory defined on a $d$-dimensional hypercubic lattice. Within a simple approximation for the effective action, we solve the flow equations and obtain the renormalized dispersion $eps(q)$ over the whole Brillouin zone of the reciprocal lattice. In the long-distance limit, where the lattice does not matter any more, we reproduce the usual flow equations of the continuum model. We show how the numerical solution of the flow equations can be simplified by expanding the dispersion in a finite number of circular harmonics.
153 - P. Strack , P. Jakubczyk 2009
We revisit the two-dimensional quantum Ising model by computing renormalization group flows close to its quantum critical point. The low but finite temperature regime in the vicinity of the quantum critical point is squashed between two distinct non-Gaussian fixed points: the classical fixed point dominated by thermal fluctuations and the quantum critical fixed point dominated by zero-point quantum fluctuations. Truncating an exact flow equation for the effective action we derive a set of renormalization group equations and analyze how the interplay of quantum and thermal fluctuations, both non-Gaussian in nature, influences the shape of the phase boundary and the region in the phase diagram where critical fluctuations occur. The solution of the flow equations makes this interplay transparent: we detect finite temperature crossovers by computing critical exponents and we confirm that the power law describing the finite temperature phase boundary as a function of control parameter is given by the correlation length exponent at zero temperature as predicted in an epsilon-expansion with epsilon=1 by Sachdev, Phys. Rev. B 55, 142 (1997).
We consider the three-dimensional Ising model slightly below its critical temperature, with boundary conditions leading to the presence of an interface. We show how the interfacial properties can be deduced starting from the particle modes of the underlying field theory. The product of the surface tension and the correlation length yields the particle density along the string whose propagation spans the interface. We also determine the order parameter and energy density profiles across the interface, and show that they are in complete agreement with Monte Carlo simulations that we perform.
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