We present the results of an LDA and LDA+U band structure study of the monoclinic and the corundum phases of V2O3 and argue that the most prominent (spin 1/2) models used to describe the semiconductor metal transition are not valid. Contrary to the generally accepted assumptions we find that the large on site Coulomb and exchange interactions result in a total local spin of 1 rather than 1/2 and especially an orbital occupation which removes the orbital degeneracies and the freedom for orbital ordering. The calculated exchange interaction parameters lead to a magnetic structure consistent with experiment again without the need of orbital ordering. While the low-temperature monoclinic distortion of the corundum crystal structure produces a very small effect on electronic structure of v2o3, the change of magnetic order leads to drastic differences in band widths and band gaps. The low temperature monoclinic phase clearly favors the experimentally observed magnetic structure, but calculations for corundum crystal structure gave two consistent sets of exchange interaction parameters with nearly degenerate total energies suggesting a kind of frustration in the paramagnetic phase. These results strongly suggest that the phase transitions in V2O3 which is so often quoted as the example of a S=1/2 Mott Hubbard system have a different origin. So back to the drawing board!
Starting from exact expression for the dynamical spin susceptibility in the time-dependent density functional theory a controversial issue about exchange interaction parameters and spin-wave excitation spectra of itinerant electron ferromagnets is reconsidered. It is shown that the original expressions for exchange integrals based on the magnetic force theorem (J. Phys. F14 L125 (1984)) are optimal for the calculations of the magnon spectrum whereas static response function is better described by the ``renormalized magnetic force theorem by P. Bruno (Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 087205 (2003)). This conclusion is confirmed by the {it ab initio} calculations for Fe and Ni.
We present results on spin and charge correlations in two-dimensional quantum dots as a function of increasing Coulomb strength (dielectric constant). We look specifically at the orbital occupation of both spin and charge. We find that charge and spin evolve separately, especially at low Coulomb strength. For the charge, we find that a hole develops in the core orbitals at strong Coulomb repulsion, invalidating the common segregation of confined electrons into an inert core and active valence electrons. For excitations, we find a total spin-projection $S_z = -1/2$ breaks apart into separate occupations of positive and negative spin. This dissociation is caused by spin correlations alone. Quantum fluctuations arising from long-range Coulomb repulsion destroy the spin dissociation and eventually results in all orbitals carrying a negative spin.
We consider the mapping of tight-binding electronic structure theory to a local spin Hamiltonian, based on the adiabatic approximation for spin degrees of freedom in itinerant-electron systems. Local spin Hamiltonians are introduced in order to describe the energy landscape of small magnetic fluctuations, locally around a given spin configuration. They are designed for linear response near a given magnetic state and in general insufficient to capture arbitrarily strong deviations of spin configurations from the equilibrium. In order to achieve this mapping, we include a linear term in the local spin Hamiltonian that, together with the usual bilinear exchange tensor, produces an improved accuracy of effective magnetic Weiss fields for non-collinear states. We also provide examples from tight-binding electronic structure theory, where our implementation of the calculation of exchange constants is based on constraining fields that stabilize an out-of-equilibrium spin configuration. We check our formalism by means of numerical calculations for iron dimers and chains.
We study the exchange constants of MnV$_2$O$_4$ using magnetic force theorem and local spin density approximation of density functional theory supplemented with a correction due to on-site Hubbard interaction U. We obtain the exchanges for three different orbital orderings of the Vanadium atoms of the spinel. We then map the exchange constants to a Heisenberg model with single-ion anisotropy and solve for the spin-wave excitations in the non-collinear, low temperature phase of the spinel. The single-ion anisotropy parameters are obtained from an atomic multiplet exact-diagonalization program, taking into effect the crystal-field splitting and the spin-orbit coupling. We find good agreement between the spin waves of one of our orbital ordered setups with previously reported experimental spin waves as determined by neutron scattering. We can therefore determine the correct orbital order from various proposals that exist in the literature.
By means of first principles calculations we investigate the nature of exchange coupling in ferromagnetic bcc Fe on a microscopic level. Analyzing the basic electronic structure reveals a drastic difference between the $3d$ orbitals of $E_g$ and $T_{2g}$ symmetries. The latter ones define the shape of the Fermi surface, while the former ones form weakly-interacting impurity levels. We demonstrate that, as a result of this, in Fe the $T_{2g}$ orbitals participate in exchange interactions, which are only weakly dependent on the configuration of the spin moments and thus can be classified as Heisenberg-like. These couplings are shown to be driven by Fermi surface nesting. In contrast, for the $E_g$ states the Heisenberg picture breaks down, since the corresponding contribution to the exchange interactions is shown to strongly depend on the reference state they are extracted from. Our analysis of the nearest-neighbour coupling indicates that the interactions among $E_g$ states are mainly proportional to the corresponding hopping integral and thus can be attributed to be of double-exchange origin.