Charge and spin excitation spectra in the one-dimensional Hubbard model with next-nearest-neighbor hopping

Abstract in English

The dynamical density-matrix renormalization group technique is used to calculate spin and charge excitation spectra in the one-dimensional (1D) Hubbard model at quarter filling with nearest-neighbor $t$ and next-nearest-neighbor $t$ hopping integrals. We consider a case where $t$ ($>0$) is much smaller than $t$ ($>0$). We find that the spin and charge excitation spectra come from the two nearly independent $t$-chains and are basically the same as those of the 1D Hubbard (and t-J) chain at quarter filling. However, we find that the hopping integral $t$ plays a crucial role in the short-range spin and charge correlations; i.e., the ferromagnetic spin correlations between electrons on the neighboring sites is enhanced and simultaneously the spin-triplet pairing correlations is induced, of which the consequences are clearly seen in the calculated spin and charge excitation spectra at low energies.
