Growing dynamical length, scaling and heterogeneities in the 3d Edwards-Anderson model

Abstract in English

We study numerically spatio-temporal fluctuations during the out-of-equilibrium relaxation of the three-dimensional Edwards-Anderson model. We focus on two issues. (1) The evolution of a growing dynamical length scale in the glassy phase of the model, and the consequent collapse of the distribution of local coarse-grained correlations measured at different pairs of times on a single function using {it two} scaling parameters, the value of the global correlation at the measuring times and the ratio of the coarse graining length to the dynamical length scale (in the thermodynamic limit). (2) The `triangular relation between coarse-grained local correlations at three pairs of times taken from the ordered instants $t_3 leq t_2 leq t_1$. Property (1) is consistent with the conjecture that the development of time-reparametrization invariance asymptotically is responsible for the main dynamic fluctuations in aging glassy systems as well as with other mechanisms proposed in the literature. Property (2), we stress, is a much stronger test of the relevance of the time-reparametrization invariance scenario.
