Coexistence of antiferromagnetism and superconductivity in CeRhIn5 under high pressure and magnetic field

Abstract in English

We report on detailed ac calorimetry measurements under high pressure and magnetic field of CeRhIn5. Under hydrostatic pressure the antiferromagnetic order vanishes near p_c*=2 GPa due to a first order transition. Superconductivity is found for pressures above 1.5 GPa inside the magnetic ordered phase. However, the superconductivity differ from the pure homogeneous superconducting ground state above 2 GPa. The application of an external magnetic field H || ab induces a transition inside the superconducting state above pc* which is strongly related to the re-entrance of the antiferromagnetism with field. This field-induced supplementary state vanishes above the quantum critical point in this system. The analogy to CeCoIn5 is discussed.
