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The magnetic state of Yb in Kondo-lattice YbNi2B2C

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 Added by Andrew Boothroyd
 Publication date 2002
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We report neutron scattering experiments performed to investigate the dynamic magnetic properties of the Kondo-lattice compound YbNi2B2C. The spectrum of magnetic excitations is found to be broad, extending up to at least 150 meV, and contains inelastic peaks centred near 18 meV and 43 meV. At low energies we observe quasielastic scattering with a width Gamma = 2.1 meV. The results suggest a Yb3+ ground state with predominantly localized 4f electrons subject to (i) a crystalline electric field (CEF) potential, and (ii) a Kondo interaction, which at low temperatures is about an order of magnitude smaller than the CEF interaction. From an analysis of the dynamic magnetic response we conclude that the crystalline electric field acting on the Yb ions has a similar anisotropy to that in other RNi2B2C compounds, but is uniformly enhanced by almost a factor of 2. The static and dynamic magnetic properties of YbNi2B2C are found to be reconciled quite well by means of an approximation scheme to the Anderson impurity model, and this procedure also indicates that the effective Kondo interaction varies with temperature due to the crystal field splitting. We discuss the nature of the correlated-electron ground state of YbNi2B2C based on these and other experimental results, and suggest that this compound might be close to a quantum critical point on the non-magnetic side.

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418 - S. Henning , W. Nolting 2009
The magnetic ground state phase diagram of the ferromagnetic Kondo-lattice model is constructed by calculating internal energies of all possible bipartite magnetic configurations of the simple cubic lattice explicitly. This is done in one dimension (1D), 2D and 3D for a local moment of S = 3/2. By assuming saturation in the local moment system we are able to treat all appearing higher local correlation functions within an equation of motion approach exactly. A simple explanation for the obtained phase diagram in terms of bandwidth reduction is given. Regions of phase separation are determined from the internal energy curves by an explicit Maxwell construction.
We present a novel pairing mechanism for electrons, mediated by magnons. These paired bound states are termed magnetic doublons. Applying numerically exact techniques (full diagonalization and the density-matrix renormalization group, DMRG) to the Kondo lattice model at strong exchange coupling $J$ for different fillings and magnetic configurations, we demonstrate that magnetic doublon excitations exist as composite objects with very weak dispersion. They are highly stable, support a novel inverse colossal magnetoresistance and potentially other effects.
In this work we revise the theory of one electron in a ferromagnetically saturated local moment system interacting via a Kondo-like exchange interaction. The complete eigenstates for the finite lattice are derived. It is then shown, that parts of these states lose their norm in the limit of an infinite lattice. The correct (scattering) eigenstates are calculated in this limit. The time-dependent Schrodinger equation is solved for arbitrary initial conditions and the connection to the down-electron Greens function and the scattering states is worked out. A detailed analysis of the down-electron decay dynamics is given.
We present a study of the resonant inelastic scattering response of ybin excited at the tender Yb $M_5$ X-ray edge. In the high-temperature, paramagnetic phase, we observe a multiplet structure which can be understood at an ionic level. Upon cooling through the valence transition at $T_vsim$ 40$K$, we observe a strong renormalization of the low-energy spectra, indicating a sensitivity to the formation of an intermediate valence phase at low temperatures. Similar spectrum renormalization has been observed in the optical conductivity, which suggests that the low-energy electronic structure possesses both mixed conduction and localized character.
The quantum phase transition between paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases of the Kondo lattice model with Ising anisotropy in the intersite exchange is studied within the framework of extended dynamical mean-field theory. Nonperturbative numerical solutions at zero temperature point to a continuous transition for both two- and three-dimensional magnetism. In the former case, the transition is associated with critical local physics, characterized by a vanishing Kondo scale and by an anomalous exponent in the dynamics close in value to that measured in heavy-fermion CeCu_{5.9}Au_{0.1}.
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