Low temperature annealing studies of Ga1-xMnxAs

Abstract in English

High- and low-field magneto-transport measurements, as well as SQUID measurements of magnetization, were carried out on Ga1-xMnxAs epilayers grown by low temperature molecular beam epitaxy, and subsequently annealed under various conditions. We observe a large enhancement of ferromagnetism when the samples are annealed at an optimal temperature, typically about 280 0C. Such optimal annealing leads to an increase of Curie temperature, accompanied by an increase of both the conductivity and the saturation magnetization. A decrease of the coercive field and of magnetoresistivity is also observed for Ga1-xMnxAs annealed at optimal conditions. We suggest that the experimental results reported in this paper are related to changes in the domain structure of Ga1-xMnxAs.
