Quantum Computation with Aharonov-Bohm Qubits

Abstract in English

We analyze the posibility of employing the mesoscopic-nanoscopic ring of a normal metal in a doubly degenerate persistent current state with a third auxihilary level and in the presence of the Aharonov-Bohm flux equal to the half of the normal flux quantum $hbar c/e$ as a qubit. The auxiliary level can be effectively used for all fundamental quantum logic gate (qu-gate) operations which includes the initialization, phase rotation, bit flip and the Hadamard transformation as well as the double-qubit controlled operations (conditional bit flip). We suggest a tentative realization of the mechanism as either the mesoscopic structure of three quantum dots coherently coupled by mesoscopic tunnelling in crossed magnetic and electric fields, or as a nanoscopic structure of triple anionic vacancy (similar to $F_3$ centers in alkali halides) with one trapped electron in one spin projection state.
