High-Field Properties of Single-Crystalline Cavo3

Abstract in English

The magnetic properties of perovskite CaVO3 single crystals have been studied by means of magnetoresistance r(T, H) and magnetization M(H) measurements in fields to 18T. At 2 K, the magnetoresistance is positive and a maximum value of Dr(18T)/r(0) = 16.5% is found for H//a. The magnetization exhibits a smooth increase at 2 K, reaching values of M(18T) = 0.03, 0.05, 0.17 mB/f.u. for H//a, H//b, and H//c, respectively. This anisotropy found in M(H) is consistent with that observed for Dr(H//a) > Dr(H//b) > Dr(H//c). These results can be interpreted in terms of the field-dependent scattering mechanism of CaVO3.
