Millisecond Electron-Phonon Relaxation in Ultrathin Disordered Metal Films at Millikelvin Temperatures

Abstract in English

We have measured directly the thermal conductance between electrons and phonons in ultra-thin Hf and Ti films at millikelvin temperatures. The experimental data indicate that electron-phonon coupling in these films is significantly suppressed by disorder. The electron cooling time $tau_epsilon$ follows the $T^{-4}$-dependence with a record-long value $tau_epsilon=25ms$ at $T=0.04K$. The hot-electron detectors of far-infrared radiation, fabricated from such films, are expected to have a very high sensitivity. The noise equivalent power of a detector with the area $1mum^2$ would be $(2-3)10^{-20}W/Hz^{1/2}$, which is two orders of magnitude smaller than that of the state-of-the-art bolometers.
