Interference effects in isolated Josephson junction arrays with geometric symmetries

Abstract in English

As the size of a Josephson junction is reduced, charging effects become important and the superconducting phase across the link turns into a periodic quantum variable. Isolated Josephson junction arrays are described in terms of such periodic quantum variables and thus exhibit pronounced quantum interference effects arising from paths with different winding numbers (Aharonov-Casher effects). These interference effects have strong implications for the excitation spectrum of the array which are relevant in applications of superconducting junction arrays for quantum computing. The interference effects are most pronounced in arrays composed of identical junctions and possessing geometric symmetries; they may be controlled by either external gate potentials or by adding/removing charge to/from the array. Here we consider a loop of N identical junctions encircling one half superconducting quantum of magnetic flux. In this system, the ground state is found to be non-degenerate if the total number of Cooper pairs on the array is divisible by N, and doubly degenerate otherwise (after the stray charges are compensated by the gate voltages).
