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Propagation Dynamics of a Particle Phase in a Single-File Pore

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 Added by Oshanin
 Publication date 2001
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors A.M.Lacasta

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We study propagation dynamics of a particle phase in a single-file pore connected to a reservoir of particles (bulk liquid phase). We show that the total mass $M(t)$ of particles entering the pore up to time $t$ grows as $M(t) = 2 m(J,rho_F) sqrt{D_0 t}$, where $D_0$ is the bare diffusion coefficient and the prefactor $m(J,rho_F)$ is a non-trivial function of the reservoir density $rho_F$ and the amplitude $J$ of attractive particle-particle interactions. Behavior of the dynamic density profiles is also discussed.

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184 - Ophir Flomenbom 2010
Normal dynamics in a quasi-one-dimensional channel of length L (toinfty) of N hard spheres are analyzed. The spheres are heterogeneous: each has a diffusion coefficient D that is drawn from a probability density function (PDF), W D^(-{gamma}), for small D, where 0leq{gamma}<1. The initial spheres density {rho} is non-uniform and scales with the distance (from the origin) l as, {rho} l^(-a), 0leqaleq1. An approximation for the N-particle PDF for this problem is derived. From this solution, scaling law analysis and numerical simulations, we show here that the mean square displacement for a particle in such a system obeys, <r^2>~t^(1-{gamma})/(2c-{gamma}), where c=1/(1+a). The PDF of the tagged particle is Gaussian in position. Generalizations of these results are considered.
Using dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) simulation method, we study the phase separation dynamics in block copolymer (BCP) melt in $d=3$, subjected to external stimuli such as light. An initial homogeneous BCP melt is rapidly quenched to a temperature $T < T_c$, where $T_c$ is the critical temperature. We then let the system go through alternate light on and off cycles. An on-cycle breaks the stimuli-sensitive bonds connecting both the blocks A and B in BCP melt, and during the off-cycle, broken bonds reconnect. By simulating the effect of light, we isolate scenarios where phase separation begins with the light off (set 1); the cooperative interactions within the system allow it to undergo microphase separation. When the phase separation starts with the light on (set 2), the system undergoes macrophase separation due to the bond breaking. Here, we report the role of alternate cycles on domain morphology by varying bond-breaking probability for both the sets 1 and 2, respectively. We observe that the scaling functions depend upon the conditions mentioned above that change the time scale of the evolving morphologies in various cycles. However, in all the cases, the average domain size respects the power-law growth: $R(t)sim t^{phi}$ at late times, here $phi$ is the dynamic growth exponent. After a short-lived diffusive growth ($phi sim 1/3$) at early times, $phi$ illustrates a crossover from the viscous hydrodynamic ($phi sim 1$) to the inertial hydrodynamic ($phi sim 2/3$) regimes at late times.
191 - K. Bucior , L. Yelash , K. Binder 2008
As a generic model system of an asymmetric binary fluid mixture, hexadecane dissolved in carbon dioxide is considered, using a coarse-grained bead-spring model for the short polymer, and a simple spherical particle with Lennard-Jones interactions for the carbon dioxide molecules. In previous work, it has been shown that this model reproduces the real phase diagram reasonable well, and also the initial stages of spinodal decomposition in the bulk following a sudden expansion of the system could be studied. Using the parallelized simulation package ESPResSo on a multiprocessor supercomputer, phase separation of thin fluid films confined between parallel walls that are repulsive for both types of molecules are simulated in a rather large system (1356 x 1356 x 67.8 A^3, corresponding to about 3.2 million atoms). Following the sudden system expansion, a complicated interplay between phase separation in the directions perpendicular and parallel to the walls is found: in the early stages the hexadecane molecules accumulate mostly in the center of the slit pore, but as the coarsening of the structure in the parallel direction proceeds, the inhomogeneity in the perpendicular direction gets much reduced. Studying then the structure factors and correlation functions at fixed distances from the wall, the densities are essentially not conserved at these distances, and hence the behavior differs strongly from spinodal decomposition in the bulk. Some of the characteristic lengths show a nonmonotonic variation with time, and simple coarsening described by power-law growth is only observed if the domain sizes are much larger than the film thickness.
We report on the results of a molecular dynamics simulation study of binodal glassy systems, formed in the process of isochoric rapid quenching from a high-temperature fluid phase. The transition to vitreous state occurs due to concurrent spinodal decomposition and solidification of the matter. The study is focused on topographies of the porous solid structures and their dependence on temperature and average density. To quantify the pore-size distributions, we put forth a scaling relation that provides a robust data collapse in systems with high porosity. We also find that the local density of glassy phases is broadly distributed, and, with increasing average glass density, a distinct peak in the local density distribution is displaced toward higher values.
Synperonic F-108 (generic name, pluronic) is a micelle forming triblock copolymer of type ABA, where A is polyethylene oxide (PEO) and B is polypropylene oxide (PPO). At high temperatures, the hydrophobicity of the PPO chains increase, and the pluronic molecules, when dissolved in an aqueous medium, self-associate into spherical micelles with dense PPO cores and hydrated PEO coronas. At appropriately high concentrations, these micelles arrange in a face centred cubic lattice to show inverse crystallization, with the samples exhibiting high-temperature crystalline and low-temperature fluidlike phases. By studying the evolution of the elastic and viscous moduli as temperature is increased at a fixed rate, we construct the concentration-temperature phase diagram of Synperonic F-108. For a certain range of temperatures and at appropriate sample concentrations, we observe a predominantly elastic response. Oscillatory strain amplitude sweep measurements on these samples show pronounced peaks in the loss moduli, a typical feature of soft solids. The soft solid-like nature of these materials is further demonstrated by measuring their frequency dependent mechanical moduli. The storage moduli are significantly larger than the loss moduli and are almost independent of the applied angular frequency. Finally, we perform strain rate frequency superposition (SRFS) experiments to measure the slow relaxation dynamics of this soft solid.
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