Global Bifurcations in Rayleigh-Benard Convection: Experiments, Empirical Maps and Numerical Bifurcation Analysis

Abstract in English

We use nonlinear signal processing techniques, based on artificial neural networks, to construct an empirical mapping from experimental Rayleigh-Benard convection data in the quasiperiodic regime. The data, in the form of a one-parameter sequence of Poincare sections in the interior of a mode-locked region (resonance horn), are indicative of a complicated interplay of local and global bifurcations with respect to the experimentally varied Rayleigh number. The dynamic phenomena apparent in the data include period doublings, complex intermittent behavior, secondary Hopf bifurcations, and chaotic dynamics. We use the fitted map to reconstruct the experimental dynamics and to explore the associated local and global bifurcation structures in phase space. Using numerical bifurcation techniques we locate the stable and unstable periodic solutions, calculate eigenvalues, approximate invariant manifolds of saddle type solutions and identify bifurcation points. This approach constitutes a promising data post-processing procedure for investigating phase space and parameter space of real experimental systems; it allows us to infer phase space structures which the experiments can only probe with limited measurement precision and only at a discrete number of operating parameter settings.
