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High precision difference astrometry applied to the triplet of S5 radio sources B1803+784/Q1928+738/B2007+777

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 Added by Eduardo Ros
 Publication date 1999
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors E. Ros

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We determined the separations of the radio sources in the triangle formed by the BL Lac objects 1803+784 and 2007+777, and the QSO 1928+738 from intercontinental interferometric observations carried out in November 1991 at the frequencies of 2.3 and 8.4 GHz simultaneously. We successfully connected differenced phase delays over 7^o on the sky at 8.4 GHz at an epoch of maximum solar activity. The effects of the ionosphere on these VLBI data were mostly removed by estimates of the total electron content from observations of GPS satellites. The comparison of the estimated separation of QSO 1928+738 and BL 2007+777 with previous such estimates obtained from data at different epochs leads us to a particular alignment of the maps of QSO 1928+738 at different epochs relative to those of BL 2007+777, although with significant uncertainty. For this alignment, the jet components of QSO 1928+738 show a mean proper motion of 0.32+/-0.10 mas/yr and also suggest an identification for the position of the core of this radio source.

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We present the results of a multi-frequency analysis of the structural variability in the parsec-scale jet of the blazar S5 1803+784. More than 90 epochs of observations at 6 frequencies from 1.6 GHz up to 22 GHz have been combined and analyzed. We discuss an alternative jet model for the source. In contrast to previously discussed motion scenarios for S5 1803+784, we find that the jet structure within 12 mas of the core can most easily be described by seven oscillating jet features. We find that the parameters of jet features, such as core separation, position angle and flux density, change in a periodic way with a timescale of about 4 years. We also find evidence for a correlation between these parameters and the total flux density variability. We suggest a scenario incorporating a periodic form of motion (e.g. rotation, precession), with a non-negligible geometrical contribution to explain the observational results.
We present a new method to fit the variations of both coordinates of a VLBI component as a function of time, assuming that the nucleus of the radio source contains a binary black hole system (BBH system). The presence of a BBH system produces 2 perturbations of the trajectory of the ejected VLBI components. By using only the VLBI coordinates, the problem we have to solve reduces to an astrometric problem. Knowledge of the variations of the VLBI coordinates as a function of time contains the kinematical information, thus we are able to deduce the inclination angle of the source and the bulk Lorentz factor of the ejected component. Generally, there is a family of the BBH system producing the same fit to our data. To illustrate this method, we apply it to the source 1807+784. We find that the inclination of the source is i = 5.8+-1.8 degrees and the VLBI component is ejected with a bulk Lorentz factor of 3.7+-0.3. We determine the family of the BBH system which provides the best fit, assuming at first that the masses of the 2 black holes are equal and then that the masses are different. Each family of BBH systems is characterized by Tp/Tb~1.967, where Tp and Tb are the precession period of the accretion disk of the black hole ejecting the VLBI component and the orbiting period of the BBH system.
The radio, optical, and $gamma$-ray light curves of the blazar S5 1803+784, from the beginning of the {it Fermi} Large Area Telescope (LAT) mission in August 2008 until December 2018, are presented. The aim of this work is to look for correlations among different wavelengths useful for further theoretical studies. We analyzed all the data collected by {it Fermi} LAT for this source, taking into account the presence of nearby sources, and we collected optical data from our own observations and public archive data to build the most complete optical and $gamma$-ray light curve possible. Several $gamma$-ray flares ($mathrm{F>2.3~10^{-7} ph(E>0.1 GeV)~cm^{-2}~s^{-1}}$) with optical coverage were detected, all but one with corresponding optical enhancement; we also found two optical flares without a $gamma$-ray counterpart. We obtained two {it Swift} Target of Opportunity observations during the strong flare of 2015. Radio observations performed with VLBA and EVN through our proposals in the years 2016-2020 were analyzed to search for morphological changes after the major flares. The optical/$gamma$-ray flux ratio at the flare peak varied for each flare. Very minor optical V-I color changes were detected during the flares. The X-ray spectrum was well fitted by a power law with photon spectral index $alpha$=1.5, nearly independent of the flux level: no clear correlation with the optical or the $gamma$-ray emission was found. The $gamma$-ray spectral shape was well fitted by a power law with average photon index $alpha$= 2.2. These findings support an Inverse Compton origin for the high-energy emission of the source, nearly co-spatial with the optically emitting region. The radio maps showed two new components originating from the core and moving outwards, with ejection epochs compatible with the dates of the two largest $gamma$-ray flares.
With the aim of paving the road for future accurate astrometry with MICADO at the European-ELT, we performed an astrometric study using two different but complementary approaches to investigate two critical components that contribute to the total astrometric accuracy. First, we tested the predicted improvement in the astrometric measurements with the use of an atmospheric dispersion corrector (ADC) by simulating realistic images of a crowded Galactic globular cluster. We found that the positional measurement accuracy should be improved by up to ~2 mas with the ADC, making this component fundamental for high-precision astrometry. Second, we analysed observations of a globular cluster taken with the only currently available Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics assisted camera, GeMS/GSAOI at Gemini South. Making use of previously measured proper motions of stars in the field of view, we were able to model the distortions affecting the stellar positions. We found that they can be as large as ~200 mas, and that our best model corrects them to an accuracy of ~1 mas. We conclude that future astrometric studies with MICADO requires both an ADC and an accurate modelling of distortions to the field of view, either through an a-priori calibration or an a-posteriori correction.
150 - R. M. Sambruna 2007
The BL Lac S5 2007+777 was observed by us with Chandra, to find the X-ray counterpart to its 18 radio jet, and study its structure. Indeed, a bright X-ray jet was discovered in the 33 ks ACIS-S image of the source. We present its properties and briefly discuss the implications.
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