Statistics of Stellar Populations of Star Clusters and Surrounding Fields in the Outer Disk of the Large Magellanic Cloud

Abstract in English

A comparative analysis of Washington color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) for 14 star clusters and respective surrounding fields in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) outer disk is presented. Each CCD frame including field and respective cluster covers an area of 185 arcmin^2. The stellar population sampled is of intermediate age and metallicity. CMD radial analysis involving star count ratios, morphology and integrated light properties are carried out. Luminosity functions (LFs) are also presented. Two main results are: (i) Within the range 4<R(kpc)<8, the distance from the LMC center is well correlated with the average age in the sense that inner fields are younger and; (ii) Beyond approximately 8kpc the outer fields do not show evidence of a significant intermediate-age component in their stellar populations, as inferred from red giant clump star counts.
