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Astrometric Microlensing as a Method of Discovering and Characterizing Extra-Solar Planets

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 Added by Kim Griest
 Publication date 1998
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We introduce a new method of searching for and characterizing extra-solar planets. We show that by monitoring the center-of-light motion of microlensing alerts using the next generation of high precision astrometric instruments the probability of detecting a planet orbiting the lens is high. We show that adding astrometric information to the photometric microlensing lightcurve greatly helps in determining the planetary mass and semi-major axis. We introduce astrometric maps as a new way for calculating astrometric motion and planet detection probabilities. Finite source effects are important for low mass planets, but even Earth mass planets can give detectable signals.

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Hundreds of gravitational microlensing events have now been detected towards the Galactic bulge, with many more to come. The detection of fine structure in these events has been theorized to be an excellent way to discover extra-solar planetary systems along the line-of-sight to the Galactic center. We show that by focusing on high magnification events the probability of detecting planets of Jupiter mass or greater in the lensing zone (.6 -1.6 $R_E$) is nearly 100%, with the probability remaining high down to Saturn masses and substantial even at 10 Earth masses. This high probability allows a nearly definitive statement to made about the existence of lensing zone planets in each such system that undergoes high magnification. One might expect lightcurve deviations caused by the source passing near the small primary lens caustic to be small due to the large distance of the perturbing planet, but this effect is overcome by the high magnification. High magnification events are relatively rare (e.g. $sim 1/20$th of events have peak magnifications greater than 20), but they occur regularly and the peak can be predicted in advance, allowing extra-solar planet detection with a relatively small use of resources over a relatively small amount of time.
The proposed global astrometry mission {it GAIA}, recently recommended within the context of ESAs Horizon 2000 Plus long-term scientific program, appears capable of surveying the solar neighborhood within $sim$ 200 pc for the astrometric signatures of planets around stars down to the magnitude limit of $V$=17 mag, which includes late M dwarfs at 100 pc. Realistic end-to-end simulations of the GAIA global astrometric measurements have yielded first quantitative estimates of the sensitivity to planetary perturbations and of the ability to measure their orbital parameters. Single Jupiter-mass planets around normal solar-type stars appear detectable up to 150 pc ($Vle $12 mag) with probabilities $ge$ 50 per cent for orbital periods between $sim$2.5 and $sim$8 years, and their orbital parameters measured with better than 30 per cent accuracy to about 100 pc. Jupiter-like objects (same mass and period as our giant planet) are found with similar probabilities up to 100 pc.These first experiments indicate that the {it GAIA} results would constitute an important addition to those which will come from the other ongoing and planned planet-search programs. These data combined would provide a formidable testing ground on which to confront theories of planetary formation and evolution.
A search for extra-solar planets was carried out in three gravitational microlensing events of high magnification, MACHO 98-BLG-35, MACHO 99-LMC-2, and OGLE 00-BUL-12. Photometry was derived from observational images by the MOA and OGLE groups using an image subtraction technique. For MACHO 98-BLG-35, additional photometry derived from the MPS and PLANET groups was included. Planetary modeling of the three events was carried out in a super-cluster computing environment. The estimated probability for explaining the data on MACHO 98-BLG-35 without a planet is <1%. The best planetary model has a planet of mass ~(0.4-1.5) X 10^-5 M_Earth at a projected radius of either ~1.5 or ~2.3 AU. We show how multi-planet models can be applied to the data. We calculated exclusion regions for the three events and found that Jupiter-mass planets can be excluded with projected radii from as wide as about 30 AU to as close as around 0.5 AU for MACHO 98-BLG-35 and OGLE 00-BUL-12. For MACHO 99-LMC-2, the exclusion region extends out to around 10 AU and constitutes the first limit placed on a planetary companion to an extragalactic star. We derive a particularly high peak magnification of ~160 for OGLE 00-BUL-12. We discuss the detectability of planets with masses as low as Mercury in this and similar events.
Astrometric microlensing will offer in the next future a new channel for investigating the nature of both lenses and sources involved in a gravitational microlensing event. The effect, corresponding to the shift of the position of the multiple image centroid with respect to the source star location, is expected to occurr on scales from micro-arcoseconds to milli-arcoseconds depending on the characteristics of the lens-source system. Here, we consider different classes of events (single/binary lens acting on a single/binary source) also accounting for additional effects including the finite source size, the blending and orbital motion. This is particularly important in the era of Gaia observations which is making possible astrometric measurements with unprecedent quality.
274 - C. A. Watson 2010
All extra-solar planet masses that have been derived spectroscopically are lower limits since the inclination of the orbit to our line-of-sight is unknown except for transiting systems. It is, however, possible to determine the inclination angle, i, between the rotation axis of a star and an observers line-of-sight from measurements of the projected equatorial velocity (v sin i), the stellar rotation period (P_rot) and the stellar radius (R_star). This allows the removal of the sin i dependency of spectroscopically derived extra-solar planet masses under the assumption that the planetary orbits lie perpendicular to the stellar rotation axis. We have carried out an extensive literature search and present a catalogue of v sin i, P_rot, and R_star estimates for exoplanet host stars. In addition, we have used Hipparcos parallaxes and the Barnes-Evans relationship to further supplement the R_star estimates obtained from the literature. Using this catalogue, we have obtained sin i estimates using a Markov-chain Monte Carlo analysis. This allows proper 1-sigma two-tailed confidence limits to be placed on the derived sin is along with the transit probability for each planet to be determined. While a small proportion of systems yield sin is significantly greater than 1, most likely due to poor P_rot estimations, the large majority are acceptable. We are further encouraged by the cases where we have data on transiting systems, as the technique indicates inclinations of ~90 degrees and high transit probabilities. In total, we estimate the true masses of 133 extra-solar planets. Of these, only 6 have revised masses that place them above the 13 Jupiter mass deuterium burning limit. Our work reveals a population of high-mass planets with low eccentricities and we speculate that these may represent the signature of different planetary formation mechanisms at work.
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