Discovery of an Arc System in the Brightest ROSAT Cluster of Galaxies

Abstract in English

We report the discovery of two bright arcs in what turns out to be the brightest X--ray cluster in the ROSAT band ever observed, RXJ1347.5-1145. Its luminosity is $(6.2pm0.6) cdot10^{45}$erg s$^{-1}$ (in the range 0.1--2.4~keV). The arcs are most probably gravitationally lensed images of background galaxies. They were found serendipitously during our ongoing large--scale redshift survey of X--ray clusters detected by the ROSAT All Sky Survey. The arcs are almost opposite to each other with respect to the cluster centre, with a distance from it of about $35$ ($=240 h^{-1}_{50}$ kpc), a radius that enables the probing of a rather large cluster volume. In this Letter we limit ourselves to the discussion of the general optical and X--ray features of this cluster and to the potential implications of the gravitational arcs. A more detailed discussion of the different mass estimates and of the cosmological implications for this exceptional object are left for future work based on more accurate optical and X--ray data, which are currently being collected.
