The Statistical Properties Of The Very Weak Radio Source Population In The GOODS/ACS HDF-N Region

Abstract in English

Deep combination radio observations at 1.4GHz with the VLA and MERLIN have imaged a region 10 arcminutes square surrounding the Hubble Deep Field North (HDF-N). Initial studies of the weak radio source population have shown that the proportion of starburst systems increases with decreasing radio flux density with more than 70% of radio sources being starburst in nature at flux densities less than S1.4GHz)~70microJy. The recently published GOODS ACS field overlaps this area, and here we present the results of a follow-up statistical study of the very weak radio sources (S(1.4GHz)<40microJy) in an 8.5 arcminute square field centred on the HDF-N which contains the region of overlap. Radio emission at the level of a few microJy are statistically detected associated with ACS galaxies brighter than a z-band magnitude of 25. These very faint radio sources are extended starburst systems with average radii in the range 0.6 to 0.8 arcseconds and for those with measured redshifts, radio luminosities typically several times that of the nearby well-studies starburst galaxy M82.
