Pulsating Components in Close Binaries

Abstract in English

We present an overview of pulsating stars in close binaries, focusing on the question what role the dupliticity plays in triggering and/or modifying stellar oscillations and on how it can help us to interpret the oscillatory behaviour of (one of) the components. We give examples of characteristic types of oscillations observed in binaries: forced oscillations and free oscillations in both, short- and long-period binaries. The importance of studies of oscillations in eclipsing binaries is also pointed out. A list of line-profile and rapid light variables in close binaries with their basic properties is provided. No obvious relations among the orbital eccentricity, orbital frequency, rotational frequency and intrinsic frequencies of oscillations were found. The value and future prospects of asteroseismic studies of binary stars are briefly outlined while the complexity of the problem and its possible complications are also discussed.
