The possibility of detecting planets in the Andromeda Galaxy

Abstract in English

The Angstrom Project is using a global network of 2m-class telescopes to conduct a high cadence pixel microlensing survey of the bulge of the Andromeda Galaxy (M31), with the primary aim of constraining its underlying bulge mass distribution and stellar mass function. Here we investigate the feasibility of using such a survey to detect planets in M31. We estimate the efficiency of detecting signals for events induced by planetary systems as a function of planet/star mass ratio and separation, source type and background M31 surface brightness. We find that for planets of a Jupiter-mass or above that are within the lensing zone (~1 -3 AU) detection is possible above 3 $sigma$, with detection efficiencies ~3% for events associated with giant stars, which are the typical source stars of pixel-lensing surveys. A dramatic improvement in the efficiency of ~40 -- 60% is expected if follow-up observations on an 8m telescope are made possible by a real-time alert system.
