The Ionized Gas and Nuclear Environment in NGC 3783 V. Variability and Modeling of the Intrinsic Ultraviolet Absorption

Abstract in English

We present results on the location, physical conditions, and geometry of the outflow in the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 3783 from a study of the variable intrinsic UV absorption. Based on 18 observations with HST/STIS and 6 observations with FUSE, we find: 1) The absorption from the lowest-ionization species in each of the three strong kinematic components varied inversely with the continuum flux, indicating the ionization structure responded to changes in the photoionizing flux over the weekly timescales sampled by our observations. 2) A multi- component model with an unocculted NLR and separate BLR and continuum line-of-sight covering factors predicts saturation in several lines, consistent with the lack of observed variability. 3) Column densities for the individual metastable levels are measured from the resolved C III *1175 absorption complex observed in one component. Based on our computed metastable level populations, the electron density of this absorber is ~3x10^4 cm^-3. Photoionization modeling results place it at ~25 pc from the central source. 4) Using time-dependent calculations, we are able to reproduce the detailed variability observed in this absorber, and derive upper limits on the distances for the other components of 25-50 pc. 5) The ionization parameters derived for the higher ionization UV absorbers are consistent with the modeling results for the lowest-ionization X-ray component, but with smaller total column density. They have similar pressures as the three X-ray ionization components. These results are consistent with an inhomogeneous wind model for the outflow in NGC 3783. 6) Based on the predicted emission-line luminosities, global covering factor constraints, and distances derived for the UV absorbers, they may be identified with emission- line gas observed in the inner NLR of AGNs. (abridged)
