Merging of globular clusters within inner galactic regions. I. Do they survive the tidal interaction?

Abstract in English

The main topic of this paper is the investigation of the modes of interaction of globular clusters (GCs) moving in the inner part of a galaxy. This is tackled by means of high-resolution N-body simulations, whose first results are presented in this article. Our simulations dealt with primordial very massive (order of 10^7 solar masses) GCs that were able to decay, because of dynamical friction, into the inner regions of triaxial galaxies on a time much shorter than their internal relaxation time. To check the disruptive role of both tidal forces and GC-GC collisions, we maximised the tidal interaction considering GCs on quasi-radial orbits. The available CPU resources allowed us to follow 8 oscillations of the GCs along their orbits and the main findings are: i) clusters with an initial high enough King concentration parameter (c>=1.2), preserve up to 50% of their initial mass; ii) the inner density distribution of the survived clusters keep a King model profile; iii) GC-GC collisions have a negligible effect with respect to that caused by the passage through the galactic center; iv) the orbital energy dissipation due to the tidal interaction is of the same order of that caused by dynamical friction; v) complex sub-structures like ripples and clumps formed, as observed around real clusters. These findings support the validity of the hypothesis of merging of GCs in the galactic central region, with modes that deserve further careful investigations.
