Missing Baryons in the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium

Abstract in English

We briefly review the use of UV absorption lines in the spectra of low-redshift QSOs for the study of the physical conditions, metallicity, and baryonic content of the low-z IGM, with emphasis on the missing baryons problem. Current results on the statistics and baryonic content of intervening, low-z O VI and Lya absorption-line systems are presented with some comments on overlap between these two classes of absorbers and consequent baryon double-counting problems. From observations of a sample of 16 QSOs observed with the E140M echelle mode of STIS, we find 44 intervening O VI absorbers and 14 associated O VI systems [i.e, z(abs) ~ z(QSO)]. The implied number of intervening O VI absorbers per unit redshift is dN/dz(O VI) = 23+/-4 for rest equivalent width > 30 mA. The intervening O VI systems contain at least 7% of the baryons if their typical metallicity is 1/10 solar and the O VI ion fraction is <0.2. This finding is consistent with predictions made by cosmological simulations of large-scale structure growth. Recently, a population of remarkably broad Lya lines have been recognized in low-z quasar spectra. If these Lya lines are predominantly thermally broadened, then these H I absorbers likely harbor an important fraction of the baryons. We present and discuss some examples of the broad Lya absorbers. Finally, we briefly summarize some findings on the relationships between O VI absorbers and nearby galaxies/large-scale structures.
