FUSE Observations of eta Carinae

Abstract in English

Eta Carinae was observed by FUSE through the LWRS (30 arcsec x30 arcsec) and HIRS (1.25 arcsec x 20 arcsec) apertures in March and April 2004. There are significant differences between the two spectra. About half of the LWRS flux appears to be due to two B-type stars near the edge of the LWRS aperture, 14 arcsec from eta Carinae. The HIRS spectrum (LiF1 channel) therefore reveals the intrinsic FUV spectrum of eta Carinae without this stellar contamination. The HIRS spectrum contains strong interstellar H2 having high rotational excitation (up to J=8). Most of the atomic species with prominent ISM features (C II, Fe II, Ar I, P II, etc) also have strong blue-shifted absorption to v= ~ -580 km/s that is associated with expanding debris from the 1840 eruption.
