Line-of-sight velocity distribution corrections for Lick/IDS indices of early-type galaxies

Abstract in English

We investigate line-of-sight velocity distribution (LOSVD) corrections for absorption line-strength indices of early-type galaxies in the Lick/IDS system. This system is often used to estimate basic stellar population parameters such as luminosity weighted ages and metallicities. Using single stellar population model spectral energy distributions by Vazdekis (1999) we find that the LOSVD corrections are largely insensitive to changes in the stellar populations for old galaxies (age >3 Gyr). Only the Lick/IDS Balmer series indices show an appreciable effect, which is on the order of the correction itself. Furthermore, we investigate the sensitivity of the LOSVD corrections to non-Gaussian LOSVDs. In this case the LOSVD can be described by a Gauss-Hermite series and it is shown that typical values of h_3 and h_4 observed in early-type galaxies can lead to significant modifications of the LOSVD corrections and thus to changes in the derived luminosity weighted ages and metallicities. A new, simple parameterisation for the LOSVD corrections, taking into account the h_3 and h_4 terms, is proposed and calibrations given for a subset of the Lick/IDS indices and two additional indices applicable to old (>3 Gyr) stellar populations.
