Close Companions to Nearby Young Stars from Adaptive Optics Imaging on VLT and Keck

Abstract in English

We report the results of VLT and Keck adaptive optics surveys of known members of the Eta Chamaeleontis, MBM 12, and TW Hydrae (TWA) associations to search for close companions. The multiplicity statistics of Eta Cha, MBM 12, and TWA are quite high compared with other clusters and associations, although our errors are large due to small number statistics. We have resolved S18 in MBM 12 and RECX 9 in Eta Cha into triples for the first time. The tight binary TWA 5Aab in the TWA offers the prospect of measuring the dynamical masses of both components as well as an independent distance to the system within a few years. The AO detection of the close companion to the nearby young star Chi^1 Orionis, previously inferred from radial velocity and astrometric observations, has already made it possible to derive the dynamical masses of that system without any astrophysical assumption.
