Inferring information about rotation from stellar oscillations

Abstract in English

The first part of this paper aims at illustrating the intense scientific activity in the field of stellar rotation although, for sake of shortness, we cannot be exhaustive nor give any details. The second part is devoted to the rotation as a pertubation effect upon oscillation frequencies. The discussion focuses on one specific example: the p-modes frequency small separation which provides information about properties of the stellar inner layers. It is shown that the small separation can be affected by rotation at the level of 0.1-0.2 microHz for a 1.4 Mo model rotating with an equatorial velocity of 20 km/s at the surface. This is of the same order of magnitude as the expected precision on frequencies with a 3 months observation and must therefore be taken into account. We show however that it is possible to recover the small separation free of these contaminating effects of rotation, provided enough high quality data are available as will be with space seismic missions such as Eddington.
