Large Scale Magnetic Fields: Galaxy Two-Point correlation function

Abstract in English

We study the effect of large scale tangled magnetic fields on the galaxy two-point correlation function in the redshift space. We show that (a) the magnetic field effects can be comparable the gravity-induced clustering for present magnetic field strength $B_0 simeq 5 times 10^{-8}$ G, (b) the absence of this signal from the present data gives an upper bound $B_0 la 3 times 10^{-8}$ G, (c) the future data can probe the magnetic fields of $simeq 10^{-8}$ G. A comparison with other constraints on the present magnetic field shows that they are marginally compatible.However if the magenetic fields corresponding to $B_0 simeq 10^{-8}$ G existed at the last scattering surface they will cause unacceptably large CMBR anisotropies.
