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The FORS Deep Field: Field selection, photometric observations and photometric catalog

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 Added by Jochen Heidt
 Publication date 2002
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors J. Heidt

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The FORS Deep Field project is a multi-colour, multi-object spectroscopic investigation of an approx. 7 times 7 region near the south galactic pole based mostly on observations carried out with the FORS instruments attached to the VLT telescopes. It includes the QSO Q 0103-260 (z = 3.36). The goal of this study is to improve our understanding of the formation and evolution of galaxies in the young Universe. In this paper the field selection, the photometric observations, and the data reduction are described. The source detection and photometry of objects in the FORS Deep Field is discussed in detail. A combined B and I selected UBgRIJKs photometric catalog of 8753 objects in the FDF is presented and its properties are briefly discussed. The formal 50% completeness limits for point sources, derived from the co-added images, are 25.64, 27.69, 26.86, 26.68, 26.37, 23.60 and 21.57 in U, B, g, R, I, J and Ks (Vega-system), respectively. A comparison of the number counts in the FORS Deep Field to those derived in other deep field surveys shows very good agreement.

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This manuscript describes the public release of the Hubble Legacy Fields (HLF) project photometric catalog for the extended GOODS-South region from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) archival program AR-13252. The analysis is based on the version 2.0 HLF data release that now includes all ultraviolet (UV) imaging, combining three major UV surveys. The HLF data combines over a decade worth of 7475 exposures taken in 2635 orbits totaling 6.3 Msec with the HST Advanced Camera for Surveys Wide Field Channel (ACS/WFC) and the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) UVIS/IR Channels in the greater GOODS-S extragalactic field, covering all major observational efforts (e.g., GOODS, GEMS, CANDELS, ERS, UVUDF and many other programs; see Illingworth et al 2019, in prep). The HLF GOODS-S catalogs include photometry in 13 bandpasses from the UV (WFC3/UVIS F225W, F275W and F336W filters), optical (ACS/WFC F435W, F606W, F775W, F814W and F850LP filters), to near-infrared (WFC3/IR F098M, F105W, F125W, F140W and F160W filters). Such a data set makes it possible to construct the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of objects over a wide wavelength range from high resolution mosaics that are largely contiguous. Here, we describe a photometric analysis of 186,474 objects in the HST imaging at wavelengths 0.2--1.6$mu$m. We detect objects from an ultra-deep image combining the PSF-homogenized and noise-equalized F850LP, F125W, F140W and F160W images, including Gaia astrometric corrections. SEDs were determined by carefully taking the effects of the point-spread function in each observation into account. All of the data presented herein are available through the HLF website (
Dedicating a major fraction of its guaranteed time, the FORS consortium established a FORS Deep Field which contains a known QSO at z = 3.36. It was imaged in UBgRIz with FORS at the VLT as well as in J and Ks with the NTT. Covering an area 6-8 times larger as the HDFs but with similar depth in the optical it is one of the largest deep fields up to date to investigate i) galaxy evolution in the field from present up to z $sim$ 5, ii) the galaxy distribution in the line of sight to the QSO, iii) the high-z QSO environment and iv) the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal in such a large field. In this presentation a status report of the FORS Deep Field project is given. In particular, the field selection, the imaging results (number counts, photometric redshifts etc.) and the first spectroscopic results are presented.
We present a catalogue and atlas of low-resolution spectra of a well defined sample of 341 objects in the FORS Deep Field. All spectra were obtained with the FORS instruments at the ESO VLT with essentially the same spectroscopic set-up. The observed extragalactic objects cover the redshift range 0.1 to 5.0. 98 objects are starburst galaxies and QSOs at z > 2. Using this data set we investigated the evolution of the characteristic spectral properties of bright starburst galaxies and their mutual relations as a function of the redshift. Significant evolutionary effects were found for redshifts 2 < z < 4. Most conspicuous are the increase of the average C IV absorption strength, of the dust reddening, and of the intrinsic UV luminosity, and the decrease of the average Ly alpha emission strength with decreasing redshift. In part the observed evolutionary effects can be attributed to an increase of the metallicity of the galaxies with cosmic age. Moreover, the increase of the total star-formation rates and the stronger obscuration of the starburst cores by dusty gas clouds suggest the occurrence of more massive starbursts at later cosmic epochs.
We present photometry and derived redshifts from up to eleven bandpasses for 9927 galaxies in the Hubble Ultra Deep field (UDF), covering an observed wavelength range from the near-ultraviolet (NUV) to the near-infrared (NIR) with Hubble Space Telescope observations. Our Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3)/UV F225W, F275W, and F336W image mosaics from the ultra-violet UDF (UVUDF) imaging campaign are newly calibrated to correct for charge transfer inefficiency, and use new dark calibrations to minimize background gradients and pattern noise. Our NIR WFC3/IR image mosaics combine the imaging from the UDF09 and UDF12 campaigns with CANDELS data to provide NIR coverage for the entire UDF field of view. We use aperture-matched point-spread function corrected photometry to measure photometric redshifts in the UDF, sampling both the Lyman break and Balmer break of galaxies at z~0.8-3.4, and one of the breaks over the rest of the redshift range. Our comparison of these results with a compilation of robust spectroscopic redshifts shows an improvement in the galaxy photometric redshifts by a factor of two in scatter and a factor three in outlier fraction over previous UDF catalogs. The inclusion of the new NUV data is responsible for a factor of two decrease in the outlier fraction compared to redshifts determined from only the optical and NIR data, and improves the scatter at z<0.5 and at z>2. The panchromatic coverage of the UDF from the NUV through the NIR yields robust photometric redshifts of the UDF, with the lowest outlier fraction available.
The Vista Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) survey has performed a multi-epoch near-infrared imaging of the inner Galactic plane. High-fidelity photometric catalogs are needed to utilize the data. We aim at producing a deep, point-spread-function (PSF) photometric catalog for the VVV survey J, H, and Ks band data. Specifically, we aim at taking advantage of all the epochs of the survey to reach high limiting magnitudes. We develop an automatic PSF-fitting pipeline based on the DaoPHOT algorithm and perform photometry on the stacked VVV images in J, H, and Ks bands. We present a PSF photometric catalog in the Vega system that contains about 926 million sources in the J, H, and Ks filters. About 10% of the sources are flagged as possible spurious detections. The 5 sigma limiting magnitudes of the sources with high reliability are about 20.8, 19.5, and 18.7 mag in the J, H, and Ks band, respectively, depending on the local crowding condition. Our photometric catalog reaches on average about one magnitude deeper than the previously released PSF DoPHOT photometric catalog. It also includes less spurious detections. There are significant differences in the brightnesses of faint sources between our catalog and the previously released one. The likely origin of these differences is in the different photometric algorithms that are utilized; it is not straightforward to assess which catalog is more accurate in which situations. Our new catalog is beneficial especially for science goals that require high limiting magnitudes; our catalog reaches such in fields that have a relatively uniform source number density. Overall, the limiting magnitudes and completeness are different in the fields with different crowding conditions.
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