The Ionized Gas and Nuclear Environment in NGC 3783 II. Averaged HST/STIS and FUSE Spectra

Abstract in English

We present observations of the intrinsic absorption in the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 3783 obtained with the STIS/HST and FUSE. We have coadded multiple STIS and FUSE observations to obtain a high S/N averaged spectrum spanning 905-1730 A. The averaged spectrum reveals absorption in O VI, N V, C IV, N III, C III and the Lyman lines up to LyE in the three blueshifted kinematic components previously detected in the STIS spectrum (at radial velocities of -1320, -724, and -548 km/s). The highest velocity component exhibits absorption in Si IV. We also detect metastable C III* in this component, indicating a high density in this absorber. We separate the individual covering factors of the continuum and emission-line sources as a function of velocity in each kinematic component using the LyA and LyB lines. Additionally, we find that the continuum covering factor varies with velocity within the individual kinematic components, decreasing smoothly in the wings of the absorption by at least 60%. The covering factor of Si IV is found to be less than half that of H I and N V in the high velocity component. Additionally, the FWHM of N III and Si IV are narrower than the higher ionization lines in this component. These results indicate there is substructure within this absorber. We derive a lower limit on the total column (N_H>=10^{19}cm^{-2}) and ionization parameter (U>=0.005) in the low ionization subcomponent of this absorber. The metastable-to-total C III column density ratio implies n_e~10^9 cm^{-3} and an upper limit on the distance of the absorber from the ionizing continuum of R<=8x10^{17} cm.
