Clustering in the 2dF QSO Redshift Survey

Abstract in English

We present clustering results from the 2dF QSO Redshift Survey (2QZ) which currently contains over 20,000 QSOs at z<3. The two-point correlation function of QSOs averaged over the entire survey (<z>~1.5) is found to be similar to that of local galaxies. When sub-dividing the sample as a function of redshift, we find that for an Einstein-de Sitter universe QSO clustering is constant (in comoving coordinates) over the entire redshift range probed by the 2QZ, while in a universe with Omega_0=0.3 and Lambda_0=0.7 there is a marginal increase in clustering with redshift. Sub-dividing the 2QZ on the basis of apparent magnitude we find only a slight difference between the clustering of QSOs of different apparent brightness, with the brightest QSOs having marginally stronger clustering. We have made a first measurement of the redshift space distortion of QSO clustering, with the goal of determining the value of cosmological parameters (in partcular Lambda_0) from geometric distortions. The current data do not allow us to discriminate between models, however, in combination with constraints from the evolution of mass clustering we find Omega_0=1-Lambda_0=0.23 +0.44-0.13 and beta(z~1.4)=0.39 +0.18-0.17. The full 2QZ data set will provide further cosmological constraints.
