Are the Narrow Line Regions in Active Galaxies Dusty and Radiation Pressure Dominated?

Abstract in English

The remarkable similarity between emission spectra of narrow line regions (NLR) in Seyfert Galaxies has long presented a mystery. In photoionization models, this similarity implies that the ionization parameter is nearly always the same, about U ~ 0.01. Here we present dusty, radiation-pressure dominated photoionization models that can provide natural physical insight into this problem. In these models, dust and the radiation pressure acting on it provide the controlling factor in moderating the density, excitation and surface brightness of photoionized NLR structures. Additionally, photoelectric heating by the dust is important in determining the temperature structure of the models. These models can also explain the coexistence of the low-, intermediate- and coronal ionization zones within a single self-consistent physical structure. The radiation pressure acting on dust may also be capable of driving the fast (~3000 km/s) outflows such as are seen in the HST observations of NGC 1068.
