The cosmic shear STIS parallel program - First results

Abstract in English

Since the Universe is inhomogeneous on scales well below the Hubble radius, light bundles from distant galaxies are deflected and distorted by the tidal gravitational field of the large-scale matter distribution as they propagate through the Universe. Two-point statistical measures of the observed ellipticities, like the dispersion within a finite aperture or the ellipticity cross-correlation, can be related to the power spectrum of the large-scale structure. The measurement of cosmic shear (especially on small angular scales) can thus be used to constrain cosmological parameters and to test cosmological structure formation in the non-linear regime, without any assumptions about the relation between luminous and dark matter. In this paper we will present preliminary cosmic shear measurements on sub-arcminute scales, obtained from archival STIS parallel data. The high angular resolution of HST, together with the sensitivity and PSF-stability of STIS, allows us to measure cosmic shear along many independent lines-of-sight. Ongoing STIS parallel observations, currently being carried out in the frame of a big GO program (8562+9248), will greatly increase the number of available useful fields and will enable us to measure cosmic shear with higher accuracy on sub-arcminute scales.
