Large Bodies in the Kuiper Belt

Abstract in English

We present a survey for bright Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) and Centaurs, conducted at the Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO) 0.9 m telescope with the KPNO 8k Mosaic CCD. The survey imaged 164 sq deg near opposition to a limiting red magnitude of 21.1. Three bright KBOs and one Centaur were found, the brightest KBO having red magnitude 19.7, about 700 km in diameter assuming a dark Centaur-like 4% albedo. We estimate the power-law differential size distribution of the Classical KBOs to have index q = 4.2 (+0.4)(-0.3), with the total number of Classical KBOs with diameters larger than 100 km equal to 4.7 (+1.6)(-1.0) x 10^4. Additionally, we find that if there is a maximum object size in the Kuiper Belt, it must be larger than 1000 km in diameter. By extending our model to larger size bodies, we estimate that 30 (+16)(-12) Charon-sized and 3.2 (+2.8)(-1.7) Pluto-sized Classical KBOs remain undiscovered.
