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Reconciliation of the Surface Brightness Fluctuations and Type Ia Supernovae Distance Scales

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 Added by Edward A. Ajhar
 Publication date 2001
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present Hubble Space Telescope measurements of surface brightness fluctuations (SBF) distances to early-type galaxies that have hosted Type Ia supernovae (SNIa). The agreement in the relative SBF and SNIa multicolor light curve shape and delta-m_15 distances is excellent. There is no systematic scale error with distance, and previous work has shown that SBF and SNIa give consistent ties to the Hubble flow. However, we confirm a systematic offset of about 0.25 mag in the distance zero points of the two methods, and we trace this offset to their respective Cepheid calibrations. SBF has in the past been calibrated with Cepheid distances from the H_0 Key Project team, while SNIa have been calibrated with Cepheid distances from the team composed of Sandage, Saha, and collaborators. When the two methods are calibrated in a consistent way, their distances are in superb agreement. Until the conflict over the ``long and ``short extragalactic Cepheid distances among many galaxies is resolved, we cannot definitively constrain the Hubble constant to better than about 10%, even leaving aside the additional uncertainty in the distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud, common to both Cepheid scales. However, recent theoretical SBF predictions from stellar population models favor the Key Project Cepheid scale, while the theoretical SNIa calibration lies between the long and short scales. In addition, while the current SBF distance to M31/M32 is in good agreement with the RR Lyrae and red giant branch distances, calibrating SBF with the longer Cepheid scale would introduce a 0.3 mag offset with respect to the RR Lyrae scale.

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135 - N. Khetan , L. Izzo , M. Branchesi 2020
We present a new calibration of the peak absolute magnitude of SNe Type Ia based on the Surface Brightness Fluctuations (SBF) method, aimed at measuring the value of the Hubble constant. We build a sample of calibrating anchors consisting of 24 SNe hosted in galaxies having SBF distance measurements. Applying a hierarchical Bayesian approach, we calibrate the SNe luminosity and extend it into the Hubble flow by using a sample of 96 SNe Ia in the redshift range $0.02 < z < 0.075$, extracted from the Combined Pantheon Sample. We estimate a value of $H_0 = 70.50 pm 2.37(stat) pm 3.38(sys)$ $text{km} text{s}^{-1} text{Mpc}^{-1}$ (i.e. $3.4% stat, 4.8% sys$), which is in agreement with the value obtained using the tip of the red giant branch calibration, and consistent within the errors with the value obtained from SNe Type Ia calibrated with Cepheids and the one inferred from the analysis of the cosmic microwave background. We find that the SNe Ia distance moduli calibrated with SBF are on average larger by 0.07 mag than the ones calibrated with Cepheids. Our results point to possible differences among SNe in different types of galaxies, which could originate from different local environments and/or SNe Ia progenitor properties. Sampling different host galaxy type, SBF offers a complementary approach to Cepheids which is important in addressing possible systematics. As the SBF method has the ability to reach larger distances than Cepheids, the impending entry of LSST and JWST into operation will increase the number of SNe Ia hosted in galaxies where SBF distances can be measured, making SBF measurements attractive for improving the calibration of SNe Ia, and in the estimation of $H_0$.
Large planned photometric surveys will discover hundreds of thousands of supernovae (SNe), outstripping the resources available for spectroscopic follow-up and necessitating the development of purely photometric methods to exploit these events for cosmological study. We present a light-curve fitting technique for SN Ia photometric redshift (photo-z) estimation in which the redshift is determined simultaneously with the other fit parameters. We implement this LCFIT+Z technique within the frameworks of the MLCS2k2 and SALT-II light-curve fit methods and determine the precision on the redshift and distance modulus. This method is applied to a spectroscopically confirmed sample of 296 SNe Ia from the SDSS-II Supernova Survey and 37 publicly available SNe Ia from the Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS). We have also applied the method to a large suite of realistic simulated light curves for existing and planned surveys, including SDSS, SNLS, and LSST. When intrinsic SN color fluctuations are included, the photo-z precision for the simulation is consistent with that in the data. Finally, we compare the LCFIT+Z photo-z precision with previous results using color-based SN photo-z estimates.
We introduce a method for identifying twin Type Ia supernovae, and using them to improve distance measurements. This novel approach to Type Ia supernova standardization is made possible by spectrophotometric time series observations from the Nearby Supernova Factory (SNfactory). We begin with a well-measured set of supernovae, find pairs whose spectra match well across the entire optical window, and then test whether this leads to a smaller dispersion in their absolute brightnesses. This analysis is completed in a blinded fashion, ensuring that decisions made in implementing the method do not inadvertently bias the result. We find that pairs of supernovae with more closely matched spectra indeed have reduced brightness dispersion. We are able to standardize this initial set of SNfactory supernovae to 0.083 +/- 0.012 magnitudes, implying a dispersion of 0.072 +/- 0.010 magnitudes in the absence of peculiar velocities. We estimate that with larger numbers of comparison SNe, e.g, using the final SNfactory spectrophotometric dataset as a reference, this method will be capable of standardizing high-redshift supernovae to within 0.06-0.07 magnitudes. These results imply that at least 3/4 of the variance in Hubble residuals in current supernova cosmology analyses is due to previously unaccounted-for astrophysical differences among the supernovae
We show how spectra of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) at maximum light can be used to improve cosmological distance estimates. In a companion article, we used manifold learning to build a three-dimensional parameterization of the intrinsic diversity of SNe Ia at maximum light that we call the Twins Embedding. In this article, we discuss how the Twins Embedding can be used to improve the standardization of SNe Ia. With a single spectrophotometrically-calibrated spectrum near maximum light, we can standardize our sample of SNe Ia with an RMS of $0.101 pm 0.007$ mag, which corresponds to $0.084 pm 0.009$ mag if peculiar velocity contributions are removed and $0.073 pm 0.008$ mag if a larger reference sample were obtained. Our techniques can standardize the full range of SNe Ia, including those typically labeled as peculiar and often rejected from other analyses. We find that traditional light curve width + color standardization such as SALT2 is not sufficient. The Twins Embedding identifies a subset of SNe Ia including but not limited to 91T-like SNe Ia whose SALT2 distance estimates are biased by $0.229 pm 0.045$ mag. Standardization using the Twins Embedding also significantly decreases host-galaxy correlations. We recover a host mass step of $0.040 pm 0.020$ mag compared to $0.092 pm 0.024$ mag for SALT2 standardization on the same sample of SNe Ia. These biases in traditional standardization methods could significantly impact future cosmology analyses if not properly taken into account.
103 - Michele Cantiello 2007
We derive Surface Brightness Fluctuations (SBF) and integrated magnitudes in the V- and I-bands using Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) archival data. The sample includes 14 galaxies covering a wide range of physical properties: morphology, total absolute magnitude, integrated color. We take advantage of the latter characteristic of the sample to check existing empirical calibrations of absolute SBF magnitudes both in the I- and V-passbands. Additionally, by comparing our SBF and color data with the Teramo-SPoT simple stellar population models, and other recent sets of population synthesis models, we discuss the feasibility of stellar population studies based on fluctuation magnitudes analysis. The main result of this study is that multiband optical SBF data and integrated colors can be used to significantly constrain the chemical composition of the dominant stellar system in the galaxy, but not the age in the case of systems older than 3 Gyr. SBF color gradients are also detected and analyzed. These SBF gradient data, together with other available data, point to the existence of mass dependent metallicity gradients in galaxies, with the more massive objects showing a non--negligible SBF versus color gradient. The comparison with models suggests that such gradients imply more metal rich stellar populations in the galaxies inner regions with respect to the outer ones.
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