The FORS Deep Field

Abstract in English

Dedicating a major fraction of its guaranteed time, the FORS consortium established a FORS Deep Field which contains a known QSO at z = 3.36. It was imaged in UBgRIz with FORS at the VLT as well as in J and Ks with the NTT. Covering an area 6-8 times larger as the HDFs but with similar depth in the optical it is one of the largest deep fields up to date to investigate i) galaxy evolution in the field from present up to z $sim$ 5, ii) the galaxy distribution in the line of sight to the QSO, iii) the high-z QSO environment and iv) the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal in such a large field. In this presentation a status report of the FORS Deep Field project is given. In particular, the field selection, the imaging results (number counts, photometric redshifts etc.) and the first spectroscopic results are presented.
