Supernova 1991T and the Value of the Hubble Constant

Abstract in English

Based upon multi-epoch Hubble Space Telescope observations, we present the discovery of sixteen high-quality Cepheid candidates in NGC 4527. Corrected for metallicity effects in the Cepheid period-luminosity relation, we derive a distance, including both random (r) and systematic (s) uncertainties, of 13.0+/-0.5(r)+/-1.2(s) Mpc. Our result is then used to provide a calibration of the peak B-, V-, and I-band luminosities of the peculiar Type Ia supernova SN 1991T, a resident of NGC 4527. Despite its documented spectroscopic peculiarities, after correction for the decline rate-luminosity correlation the corrected peak luminosity is indistinguishable from those of so-called ``normal Type Ia SNe. With now nine local calibrators at our disposal, we determine a robust value for the Hubble Constant of H_0=73+/-2(r)+/-7(s) km/s/Mpc.
