Time-Resolved HST Spectroscopy of Four Eclipsing Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables

Abstract in English

Time-resolved HST UV eclipse spectrophotometry is presented for the magnetic CVs V1309 Ori, MN Hya, V2301 Oph, and V1432 Aql. Separation of the light curves into wavebands allows the multiple emission components to be distinguished. Photospheric hot spots are detected in V1309 Ori and V2301 Oph. The emission- line spectra of V1309 Ori and MN Hya are unusual, with the strength of N V 1240 and N IV 1718 suggesting an overabundance of nitrogen. Three epochs of observation of the asynchronous V1432 Aql cover ~1/3 of a 50-day lap cycle between the white dwarf spin and binary orbit. The light curves vary from epoch to epoch and as a function of waveband. The dereddened UV spectrum is extremely bright and the spectral energy distribution coupled with the duration of eclipse ingress indicate that the dominant source of energy is a hot (T~35,000K) white dwarf. Undiminished line emission through eclipse indicates that the eclipse is caused by the accretion stream, not the secondary star. The hot white dwarf, combined with its current asynchronous nature and rapid timescale for relocking, suggests that V1432 Aql underwent a nova eruption in the past 75-150 yr. The reversed sense of asynchronism, with the primary star currently spinning up toward synchronism, is not necessarily at odds with this scenario, if the rotation of the magnetic white dwarf can couple to the ejecta during the wind phase of the eruption.
