Complexity-aware Adaptive Training and Inference for Edge-Cloud Distributed AI Systems

Abstract in English

The ubiquitous use of IoT and machine learning applications is creating large amounts of data that require accurate and real-time processing. Although edge-based smart data processing can be enabled by deploying pretrained models, the energy and memory constraints of edge devices necessitate distributed deep learning between the edge and the cloud for complex data. In this paper, we propose a distributed AI system to exploit both the edge and the cloud for training and inference. We propose a new architecture, MEANet, with a main block, an extension block, and an adaptive block for the edge. The inference process can terminate at either the main block, the extension block, or the cloud. The MEANet is trained to categorize inputs into easy/hard/complex classes. The main block identifies instances of easy/hard classes and classifies easy classes with high confidence. Only data with high probabilities of belonging to hard classes would be sent to the extension block for prediction. Further, only if the neural network at the edge shows low confidence in the prediction, the instance is considered complex and sent to the cloud for further processing. The training technique lends to the majority of inference on edge devices while going to the cloud only for a small set of complex jobs, as determined by the edge. The performance of the proposed system is evaluated via extensive experiments using modified models of ResNets and MobileNetV2 on CIFAR-100 and ImageNet datasets. The results show that the proposed distributed model has improved accuracy and energy consumption, indicating its capacity to adapt.
