Experimental study of tune-out wavelengths for spin-dependent optical lattice in $^{87}$Rb Bose-Einstein condensation

Abstract in English

We study the periodic potential of one-dimensional optical lattice originated from scalar shift and vector shift by manipulating the lattice polarizations. The ac Stark shift of optical lattice is measured by Kapitza-Dirac scattering of $^{87}$Rb Bose-Einstein condensate and the characteristics of spin-dependent optical lattice are presented by scanning the lattice wavelength between the D1 and D2 lines. At the same time, tune-out wavelengths that ac Stark shift cancels can be probed by optical lattice. We give the tune-out wavelengths in more general cases of balancing the contributions of both the scalar and vector shift. Our results provide a clear interpretation for spin-dependent optical lattice and tune-out wavelengths, and help to design it by choosing the appropriate lattice wavelength.
