Magnetic field induced quantum spin liquid in the two coupled trillium lattices of K$_2$Ni$_2$(SO$_4$)$_3$

Abstract in English

Quantum spin liquids are exotic states of matter which form when strongly frustrated magnetic interactions induce a highly entangled quantum paramagnet far below the energy scale of the magnetic interactions. Three-dimensional cases are especially challenging due to the significant reduction of the influence of quantum fluctuations. Here, we report the magnetic characterization of {kni} forming a three dimensional network of Ni$^{2+}$ spins. Using density functional theory calculations we show that this network consists of two interconnected spin-1 trillium lattices. In the absence of a magnetic field, magnetization, specific heat, neutron scattering and muon spin relaxation experiments demonstrate a highly correlated and dynamic state, coexisting with a peculiar, very small static component exhibiting a strongly renormalized moment. A magnetic field $B gtrsim 4$ T diminishes the ordered component and drives the system in a pure quantum spin liquid state. This shows that a system of interconnected $S=1$ trillium lattices exhibit a significantly elevated level of geometrical frustration.
