Multi-impurity chiral Kondo model: correlation functions and anyon fusion rules

Abstract in English

The multichannel Kondo model supports effective anyons on the partially screened impurity, as suggested by its fractional impurity entropy. It was recently demonstrated for the multi-impurity chiral Kondo model, that scattering of an electron through the impurities depends on, and thus can effectively measure, the total fusion channel of effective anyons living on the impurities. Here we study the correlation between impurity-spins. We argue, based on a combination of conformal field theory, a perturbative limit with a large number of channels $k$, and the exactly solvable two-channel case, that the inter-impurity spin correlation probes the anyon fusion of the pair of correlated impurities. This may allow, using measurement-only topological quantum computing protocols, to braid the multichannel Kondo anyons via consecutive measurements.
