Weak continuity of curvature for connections in $L^p$

Abstract in English

We study the weak continuity of two interrelated non-linear partial differential equations, the Yang-Mills equations and the Gau{ss}-Codazzi-Ricci equations, involving $L^p$-integrable connections. Our key finding is that underlying cancellations in the curvature form, especially the div-curl structure inherent in both equations, are sufficient to pass to the limit in the non-linear terms. We first establish the weak continuity of Yang-Mills equations and prove that any weakly converging sequence of weak Yang-Mills connections in $L^p$ converges to a weak Yang-Mills connection. We then prove that, for a sequence of isometric immersions with uniformly bounded second fundamental forms in $L^p$, the curvatures are weakly continuous, which leads to the weak continuity of the Gau{ss}-Codazzi-Ricci equations with respect to sequences of isometric immersions with uniformly bounded second fundamental forms in $L^p$. Our methods are independent of dimensions and do not rely on gauge changes.
