All-PM Divided Pulse Fiber Oscillator Mode-locked with the Optical Kerr-effect

Abstract in English

In this letter, we investigate a Yb-doped mode-locked fiber oscillator that uses coherent pulse division and recombination to avoid excessive nonlinear phase shifts. The mode-locking mechanism of the laser is based on the accumulation of a differential nonlinear phase between orthogonal polarization modes in the polarization-maintaining fiber segment. The inserted coherent pulse divider, based on YVO4-crystals rotated successively by 45{deg}, enables stable and undistorted mode-locked steady-states. The output pulse energy is increased from 89 pJ in the non-divided operation by ~6.5 dB to more than 400 pJ with three divisions. Measurements of the amplitude-fluctuations reveal a simultaneous broadband reduction of up to ~9 dB in the frequency range from 10 kHz to 2MHz.
