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Multi-photon graph states are a fundamental resource in quantum communication networks, distributed quantum computing, and sensing. These states can in principle be created deterministically from quantum emitters such as optically active quantum dots or defects, atomic systems, or superconducting qubits. However, finding efficient schemes to produce such states has been a long-standing challenge. Here, we present an algorithm that, given a desired multi-photon graph state, determines the minimum number of quantum emitters and precise operation sequences that can produce it. The algorithm itself and the resulting operation sequence both scale polynomially in the size of the photonic graph state, allowing one to obtain efficient schemes to generate graph states containing hundreds or thousands of photons.
We show that the generalization of the relative entropy of a resource from states to channels is not unique, and there are at least six such generalizations. We then show that two of these generalizations are asymptotically continuous, satisfy a version of the asymptotic equipartition property, and their regularizations appear in the power exponent of channe
We present a novel method for quantum tomography of multi-qubit states. We apply the method to spin-multi-photon states, which we produce by periodic excitation of a semiconductor quantum-dot- confined spin every 1/4 of its coherent precession period. These timed excitations lead to the deterministic generation of strings of entangled photons in a cluster state. We show that our method can be used for characterizing the periodic process map, which produces the photonic cluster. From the measured process map, we quantify the robustness of the entanglement in the cluster. The 3-fold enhanced generation rate over previous demonstrations reduces the spin decoherence between the pulses and thereby increases the entanglement.
A photon source based on postselection from entangled photon pairs produced by parametric frequency down-conversion is suggested. Its ability to provide good approximations of single-photon states is examined. Application of this source in quantum cryptography for quantum key distribution is discussed. Advantages of the source compared to other currently used sources are clarified. Future prospects of the photon source are outlined.
We propose and analyze a new method to produce single and entangled photons which does not require cavities. It relies on the collective enhancement of light emission as a consequence of the presence of entanglement in atomic ensembles. Light emission is triggered by a laser pulse, and therefore our scheme is deterministic. Furthermore, it allows one to produce a variety of photonic entangled states by first preparing certain atomic states using simple sequences of quantum gates. We analyze the feasibility of our scheme, and particularize it to: ions in linear traps, atoms in optical lattices, and in cells at room temperature.
We show that with a new family of pyramidal site-controlled InGaAsN quantum dots it is possible to obtain areas containing as much as 15% of polarization-entangled photon emitters - a major improvement if compared to the small fraction achievable by other quantum dot systems. Entanglement is attested by a two-photon polarization state density matrix and the parameters obtained from it. Emitters showing fidelities up to 0.721+-0.043 were found.